Thanks to LumenRT 2 Review, architects no longer have to choose between high-quality images and real-time visualization.

LumenRT is the only solution that combines real-time rendering with a full, physical simulation of light, letting architects and their clients accurately experience the true volume and lighting of their designs. The ability to create accurately lit, immersive 3D visualizations of their projects and to share them with their clients was indeed considered a substantial asset. This first version was immediately recognized as a significant advance by the architectural industry (including a nomination to 3D World CG Awards 2011 for Plugin of the Year), leading to many prominent ArchViz companies embracing LumenRT’s revolutionary approach. With last year’s successful introduction of LumenRT, e-on software made a noticeable entry into the real-time market. LumenRT 2 Review: A New Media for Architects Is Born! However, because this offer is limited in time, e-on software indicates that current users should upgrade without delay.

This video, entirely rendered with LumenRT 2 is visible on the company’s YouTube channel at Last but not least, e-on software is happy to announce that the upgrade to LumenRT 2 is available for free to all registered users of LumenRT 1. E-on software invites all architects and designers to watch the LumenRT 2 Review presentation video, showcasing the true real-time power of LumenRT 2.